About Us

This site is now operated by Midnight Learning Ltd. (UK). It is a GENUINE MEDICAL INFORMATION and PICTURE site.

Why did we develop this website?

WillyWorries.com, which now includes WomensWorries.com and VulvaWorries.com, was designed to help men, and women – mothers, fathers, young people, grandparents and pensioners – understand more about their genital and about sexual and reproductive health topics in a non-pornographic way.

This is especially important if someone is charged with influencing others.

Despite the stigma and taboo related to sex within many cultures and communities around the world, none of us would be here if our parents hadn’t had sex!

This site contains material related to adult life and its consequences; and as with other sites that speak about sex and relationships education, is not designed for use by young persons under the age of 14. However, many people grow up in ignorance. Many parents are uncomfortable discussing sexual matters with their children.

Many people – both young and older – hear or see things then start to worry about whether they are normal, or not.

But what is ‘normal’?

We are all different, yet we all have the same anatomy and physiology and are unique with how it appears. Most people – male and female – wonder and many worry whether they are “normal” down below at some time in their life. Most heterosexual people don’t get to see the genitalia of other people of the same sex. Many men worry about the size, shape and angle of their erection. Many women worry about the size, shape and other features of their vulva/vagina. Most people worry, at some stage, about signs and symptoms of STDs/STIs, sexual conditions and other diseases – and about birth control (contraception) options.

For these reasons, explicit genital pictures feature on this site for educational purposes, not for pornographic reasons – and we make no apology for it.


Helen J Knox

Helen J Knox
Picture of Helen

Outreach Clinical Nurse Specialist in Contraception & Sexual Health – UK
Author and Publisher of Sexplained Books

Justin Gaffney

Justin Gaffney, picture of Justin Gaffney
Picture of Justin

Nurse Consultant in GU Medicine – UK

For information about Sexplained® please click here and follow the link to Sexplained.com

For information about Midnight Learning® Ltd please click here and follow the link to MidnightLearning.com

Company Registered in England
Name & Registered Office:

Midnight Learning Ltd
5 Imperial Court
Laporte Way
Company No: 11074166
Registered in England, UK

Copyright ©

All written material and images on this website are copyright and may not be used, reproduced or downloaded without prior written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved. © Knox Publishing and Sexplained Ltd, Midnight Learning Ltd, UK. 1995-2021

Registered Trade Mark ®

Since 1998 Sexplained® has been the registered trademark of Helen Knox/Knox Publishing, used by Sexplained Ltd and Sexplained Foundation under licence.

History of the site:

Started in 2001, the original site was hacked and deleted from its server in 2004 but we are bringing it back to life at the moment. Please keep with us while we add the images and information to this new-look site.




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