“Am I normal down there?”
Healthy Vulva Photos / Labia Picture
Vulva / Vagina Image
This Page: Gallery 1
Ladies 1-5 Ladies 6-10
“Am I normal down there?”
As a medical site, this page contains a range of different healthy adult women’s real vulva/labia and vagina pictures: female genital pictures: vulva photographs and images.
Most women, who don’t have sex with other women, don’t get a ‘real life’ opportunity to compare theirs with someone else’s and see that their vulva will be quite different, yet quite similar to another woman’s vulva.
This picture describes the correct anatomical areas within a woman’s Vulva – also showing the entrance to the Vagina
Ladies 5-10 are on the next page
Many mistakenly will be looking for pictures of vaginas, rather than pictures of different vulvas – the vagina is an internal passage, the vulva the externally visualised female genital area. This page therefore contains images / photos / pictures from different women who have been kind enough to show others what their healthy vulva looks like, so that other women can see that there are as many different vulvas in the world as there are penises!
Everyone is unique.
Lady 1

Mons pubis, labia majora and labia minora - shaved vulval image
Image of: Mons pubis, labia majora and labia minora - shaved vulval image
Lady 2
Lady 3

Frontal view of adult naked female showing pubic hair distribution
Frontal view of adult naked female showing pubic hair distribution

Vulval image - showing distribution of pubic hair over labia major and upper legs, clitoral hood, labia minora, introitus (entrance to vagina and urethral opening), perineum and anal skin tag
Vulval picture - showing distribution of pubic hair over labia major and upper legs, clitoral hood, labia minora, introitus (entrance to vagina and urethral opening), perineum and anal skin tag

Woman holding her vulva open, showing the introitus, vestibule, clitoral hood (at the top) and the introitus.. opening of the vagina, plus the urethral opening, plus normal lower genital hair distribution
Woman holding her vulva open, showing the introitus, vestibule, clitoral hood (at the top) and the introitus.. opening of the vagina, plus the urethral opening, plus normal lower genital hair distribution

Woman holding her vulva open, showing the introitus, vestibule, clitoral hood (at the top) and the introitus.. opening of the vagina, plus the urethral opening, plus normal lower genital hair distribution
Woman holding her vulva open, showing the introitus, vestibule, clitoral hood (at the top) and the introitus.. opening of the vagina, plus the urethral opening, plus normal lower genital hair distribution

Woman holding her vulva open, showing the introitus, vestibule, clitoral hood (at the top) and the introitus.. opening of the vagina, plus the urethral opening, plus normal lower genital hair distribution
Woman holding her vulva open, showing the introitus, vestibule, clitoral hood (at the top) and the introitus.. opening of the vagina, plus the urethral opening, plus normal lower genital hair distribution

Vulval photo - showing distribution of pubic hair over labia major and upper legs, clitoral hood, labia minora, introitus (entrance to vagina and urethral opening), perineum and anal skin tag - also shows some mild folliculitis (inflamed hair follicles - the red spots on the buttock and thigh skin
Vulval image - showing distribution of pubic hair over labia major and upper legs, clitoral hood, labia minora, introitus (entrance to vagina and urethral opening), perineum and anal skin tag - also shows some mild folliculitis (inflamed hair follicles - the red spots on the buttock and thigh skin

Vulval image - showing distribution of pubic hair over labia major and upper legs, clitoral hood, labia minora, introitus (entrance to vagina and urethral opening), perineum and anal skin tag - also shows some mild folliculitis (inflamed hair follicles - the red spots on the buttock and thigh skin
Vulval image - showing distribution of pubic hair over labia major and upper legs, clitoral hood, labia minora, introitus (entrance to vagina and urethral opening), perineum and anal skin tag - also shows some mild folliculitis (inflamed hair follicles - the red spots on the buttock and thigh skin

Vulval image - showing distribution of pubic hair over labia major and upper legs, clitoral hood, labia minora, introitus (entrance to vagina and urethral opening) - also a slightly sore area on the woman's right labia major/minora line - the woman said it was not an STI, merely a scratch that occurred during rough sexual foreplay one day
Vulval image - showing distribution of pubic hair over labia major and upper legs, clitoral hood, labia minora, introitus (entrance to vagina and urethral opening) - also a slightly sore area on the woman's right labia major/minora line - the woman said it was not an STI, merely a scratch that occurred during rough sexual foreplay one day

Picture showing an anal skin tag, which formed due to haemorrhoids (piles) induced during pregnancy
Photo showing an anal skin tag, which formed due to haemorrhoids (piles) induced during pregnancy

Vulval image - showing distribution of pubic hair over labia major and upper legs, clitoral hood, labia minora, introitus (entrance to vagina and urethral opening), perineum and anal skin tag - also shows some mild folliculitis (inflamed hair follicles - the red spots on the buttock and thigh skin
Vulval image - showing distribution of pubic hair over labia major and upper legs, clitoral hood, labia minora, introitus (entrance to vagina and urethral opening), perineum and anal skin tag - also shows some mild folliculitis (inflamed hair follicles - the red spots on the buttock and thigh skin

Image of a woman holding her labia major open, to reveal her labia minor, clitoral hood, and introitus. Shiny skin merely reflects the light from the camera and the small sore on her right labial join line was not caused by a sexual infection but rough sexual foreplay
Photo of woman holding her labia major open, to reveal her labia minor, clitoral hood, and introitus. Shiny skin merely reflects the light from the camera and the small sore on her right labial join line was not caused by a sexual infection but rough sexual foreplay

The woman in this pictures has shaved her genital hair and this shows some folliculitis or inflammation of the follicles from which the hairs grow. This will subside if left alone. Severe cases may require antibiotic therapy, but generally, just wash with salty water, keep the area dry and leave it alone. Check to rule out diabetes, though, as it is more common in women who have such a condition.
The woman in this pictures has shaved her genital hair and this shows some folliculitis or inflammation of the follicles from which the hairs grow. This will subside if left alone. Severe cases may require antibiotic therapy, but generally, just wash with salty water, keep the area dry and leave it alone. Check to rule out diabetes, though, as it is more common in women who have such a condition.

Vulval image - showing distribution of pubic hair over labia major and upper legs, clitoral hood, labia minora, introitus (entrance to vagina and urethral opening) - also a slightly sore area on the woman's right labia major/minora line - the woman said it was not an STI, merely a scratch that occurred during rough sexual foreplay one day
Vulval image - showing distribution of pubic hair over labia major and upper legs, clitoral hood, labia minora, introitus (entrance to vagina and urethral opening) - also a slightly sore area on the woman's right labia major/minora line - the woman said it was not an STI, merely a scratch that occurred during rough sexual foreplay one day

Difficult to see, but this image shows the skin tag formed following 'piles' (haemorrhoids) during pregnancy
Difficult to see, but this image shows the skin tag formed following 'piles' (haemorrhoids) during pregnancy

This image was taken to show a 'normal' mole on right labia majora, beside the woman's second, far left of the picture - there is also evidence of some folliculitis and dry skin in the left groin area
This image was taken to show a 'normal' mole on right labia majora, beside the woman's second, far left of the picture - there is also evidence of some folliculitis and dry skin in the left groin area

This shows the same mole, sore area and labia majora, and minora.
Vulval image - showing distribution of pubic hair over labia major and upper legs, clitoral hood, labia minora, introitus (entrance to vagina and urethral opening) - also a slightly sore area on the woman's right labia major/minora line - the woman said it was not an STI, merely a scratch that occurred during rough sexual foreplay one day

This is a rather dark image showing the woman's left nipple
This is a rather dark image showing the woman's left nipple

Close up image of woman's closed genital area, and some folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicles on her left inner thigh
Close up image of woman's closed genital area, and some folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicles on her left inner thigh

Clear image of the vulval introitus - entrance to the vagina
Clear image of the vulval introitus - entrance to the vagina

This image was taken to show the woman's clitoris, in particular, but also shows the rest of her vulva
This image was taken to show the woman's clitoris, in particular, but also shows the rest of her vulva

This image was taken to show the woman's clitoris, in particular, but also shows part of her vulva
This image was taken to show the woman's clitoris, in particular, but also shows part of her vulva
Lady 4

Picture of woman's normal, healthy vulva, also showing the perineum, buttocks and inner thighs
Picture of woman's normal, healthy vulva, also showing the perineum, buttocks and inner thighs

Picture of woman's normal, healthy vulva (terminology explanation: for anyone wanting to see the vagina, this is an internal area and cannot be seen without speculum examination)
Picture of woman's normal, healthy vulva (terminology explanation: for anyone wanting to see the vagina, this is an internal area and cannot be seen without speculum examination)
Lady 5

Picture of woman's normal, healthy vulva (terminology explanation: for anyone wanting to see the vagina, this is an internal area and cannot be seen without speculum examination)
Picture of woman's normal, healthy vulva (terminology explanation: for anyone wanting to see the vagina, this is an internal area and cannot be seen without speculum examination)

Picture of a naked woman, showing breasts, scar from Caesarian section/abdominal surgery to enable surgical birth of a baby, her breasts and the general pubic hair distribution that is found on a healthy adult famale - picture also shows nipples erect
Picture of a naked woman, showing breasts, scar from Caesarian section/abdominal surgery to enable surgical birth of a baby, her breasts and the general pubic hair distribution that is found on a healthy adult famale - picture also shows nipples erect

Picture of woman's normal, healthy vulva (terminology explanation: for anyone wanting to see the vagina, this is an internal area and cannot be seen without speculum examination) - note that the labia minora are thinner and more obvious than the labia majora, in all women
Picture of woman's normal, healthy vulva (terminology explanation: for anyone wanting to see the vagina, this is an internal area and cannot be seen without speculum examination) - note that the labia minora are thinner and more obvious than the labia majora, in all women

Picture of woman's normal, healthy vulva (terminology explanation: for anyone wanting to see the vagina, this is an internal area and cannot be seen without speculum examination) - note that the labia minora are thinner and more obvious than the labia majora, in all women
Picture of woman's normal, healthy vulva (terminology explanation: for anyone wanting to see the vagina, this is an internal area and cannot be seen without speculum examination) - note that the labia minora are thinner and more obvious than the labia majora, in all women

Picture of woman's normal, healthy vulva (terminology explanation: for anyone wanting to see the vagina, this is an internal area and cannot be seen without speculum examination) - note that the labia minora are thinner and more obvious than the labia majora, in all women
Picture of woman's normal, healthy vulva (terminology explanation: for anyone wanting to see the vagina, this is an internal area and cannot be seen without speculum examination) - note that the labia minora are thinner and more obvious than the labia majora, in all women

Picture of a naked woman, showing breasts, scar from Caesarian section/abdominal surgery to enable surgical birth of a baby, her breasts and the general pubic hair distribution that is found on a healthy adult famale - picture also shows nipples erect
Picture of a naked woman, showing breasts, scar from Caesarian section/abdominal surgery to enable surgical birth of a baby, her breasts and the general pubic hair distribution that is found on a healthy adult famale - picture also shows nipples erect
Forward to Vulva Gallery 2 – Ladies 6-10

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The Vulva Medical Picture & Normal Healthy Labia Image Gallery (Vagina Image / Photo Gallery)
If you are over 21 years of age and you are interested in contributing your pictures to this gallery
to help other women understand the wide range of ‘normal healthy female genitalia’
in the same way as these ladies have, anonymously, please click here to contact us.
Thank you.
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