This page shows a selection of different images of the visible signs of some sexually transmitted infections. More can be seen in the individually named STI galleries.

Thrush - yeast infection - candidiasis - candida albicans
Thrush - yeast infection - candidiasis - candida albicans

Vulvo-vaginal thrush or yeast infection (monilia or candida albicans)
Vulvo-vaginal thrush or yeast infection (monilia or candida albicans)

Candidal Balanoposthitis - thrush under the foreskin
Candidal Balanoposthitis - thrush under the foreskin

Chlamydia - the most common bacterial sexual infection which predominantly affects young people, but can affect older people too. Commonly asymptomatic.
Chlamydia - the most common bacterial sexual infection which predominantly affects young people, but can affect older people too. Commonly asymptomatic.

Chlamydial cervicitis - showing mucopurulent discharge and areas of bleeding
Chlamydial cervicitis - showing mucopurulent discharge and areas of bleeding

Picture shows Reiter's Disease as redness and swelling of the left ankle - arthritis of the ankle - conjunctivitis may also occur.
Picture shows Reiter's Disease as redness and swelling of the left ankle - arthritis of the ankle - conjunctivitis may also occur.

Chlamydial neonatal conjunctivitis - transmitted to baby at birth
Chlamydial neonatal conjunctivitis - transmitted to baby at birth - Baby with chlamydial eye infection - transmitted at birth

Healthy penis picture but groove sign in the inguinal canal, showing enlarged lymph glands infected with Chlamydial LGV - lymphogranuloma venereum
Healthy penis but groove sign in the inguinal canal, showing enlarged lymph glands infected with Chlamydial LGV - lymphogranuloma venereum

Penile discharge - here showing a yellow-white purulent urethral discharge from neisseria gonorrhoea
Penile discharge - here showing a yellow-white purulent urethral discharge from neisseria gonorrhoea

Penile discharge - here showing a yellow-white purulent urethral discharge from neisseria gonorrhoea
Penile discharge - here showing a yellow-white purulent urethral discharge from neisseria gonorrhoea

Penile discharge - here showing a yellow-white purulent urethral discharge from neisseria gonorrhoea
Penile discharge - here showing a yellow-white purulent urethral discharge from neisseria gonorrhoea

Gonococcal cervicitis - inflammation of the cervix, here showing a mucopurulent vaginal discharge from the cervical os and the endocervical canal being the primary site of infection in this, and many other women.
Gonococcal cervicitis - inflammation of the cervix, here showing a mucopurulent vaginal discharge from the cervical os and the endocervical canal being the primary site of infection in this, and many other women.

Bartholins Abcess caused by gonococcal infection. Gonorrhoea discharging through Bartholins gland in this woman's vulva.
Bartholins Abcess caused by gonococcal infection. Gonorrhoea discharging through Bartholins gland in this woman's vulva.

Vulval infection with gonorrhoea - gonococcal vulval infection
Vulval infection with gonorrhoea - gonococcal vulval infection - tracking gonococcal infection showing discharge also from the anus and through nearby rectal, anal and perineal tissue

Contaminated eye from accidental exposure by a lab worker, to gonorrhoea - gonococcal eye infection
Contaminated eye from accidental exposure by a lab worker, to gonorrhoea - gonococcal eye infection

This 9 month old infant contracted gonococcal infection (gonorrhoea) in his eye due to cross infection from members of his family - dirty hands - poor hand hygiene.
This 9 month old infant contracted gonococcal infection (gonorrhoea) in his eye due to cross infection from members of his family - dirty hands - poor hand hygiene.

Gonorrhoea and secondary infertility plus pelvic inflammatory disease - PID
Gonorrhoea and secondary infertility plus pelvic inflammatory disease - PID

BV - Bacterial Vaginosis - Gardnerella - Mobiluncus
BV - Bacterial Vaginosis - Gardnerella - Mobiluncus

White vaginal discharge - characteristic of BV or bacterial vaginosis - and when mixed with 10% postassium hydroxide, it causes a characteristic fishy odour.
White vaginal discharge - characteristic of BV or bacterial vaginosis - and when mixed with 10% postassium hydroxide, it causes a characteristic fishy odour.

NSU - NGU - Non-Specific Urethritis - Non-gonococcal urethritis
NSU - NGU - Non-Specific Urethritis - Non-gonococcal urethritis

Photograph of an inflamed glans penis - here showing NGU - non-gonococcal urethritis - not gonorrhoea - mucoid urethral discharge - characteristic of NSU but also of gonococcal infection / gonorrhoea - inflamed meatus / urethral opening.
Photograph of an inflamed glans penis - here showing NGU - non-gonococcal urethritis - not gonorrhoea - mucoid urethral discharge - characteristic of NSU but also of gonococcal infection / gonorrhoea - inflamed meatus / urethral opening.

Picture of penis with NGU - non-gonococcal urethritis - swab analysis did not reveal gonococcal infection (gonorrhoea / gonorrhoea) - it is more likely to be caused by Chlamydia trachomatis in this case. NSU - non-specific urethritis.
Picture of penis with NGU - non-gonococcal urethritis - swab analysis did not reveal gonococcal infection (gonorrhoea / gonorrhoea) - it is more likely to be caused by Chlamydia trachomatis in this case. NSU - non-specific urethritis.

This photograph show a fresh trichomonad - the underlying cause of trichomonas vaginalis (TV), swimming around under the high powered microscope. They are invisible to the naked eye.
This photograph show a fresh trichomonad - the underlying cause of trichomonas vaginalis (TV), swimming around under the high powered microscope. They are invisible to the naked eye.

Strawberry Cervix - in which the cervix appears spotted, like a strawberry - this shows a cervix affected by the protozoal infection, trichomonas vaginalis (TV), resulting in this spotty appearance, inflammation and some extra vaginal discharge, caused by the inflamed cervical tissue.
Strawberry Cervix - in which the cervix appears spotted, like a strawberry - this shows a cervix affected by the protozoal infection, trichomonas vaginalis (TV), resulting in this spotty appearance, inflammation and some extra vaginal discharge, caused by the inflamed cervical tissue.

Picture of a cervix affected by the protozoal infection, trichomonas vaginalis (TV), resulting in inflammation and extra vaginal discharge, caused by the inflamed cervical tissue.
Picture of a cervix affected by the protozoal infection, trichomonas vaginalis (TV), resulting in inflammation and extra vaginal discharge, caused by the inflamed cervical tissue.

Photo of profuse white vaginal discharge due to TV or trichomoniasis / trichomonas vaginalis. Other STIs can cause similar appearance. Characteristically, TV discharge is frothy and there is dyspareunia (painful sex).
Photo of profuse white vaginal discharge due to TV or trichomoniasis / trichomonas vaginalis. Other STIs can cause similar appearance. Characteristically, TV discharge is frothy and there is dyspareunia (painful sex).

Photo of early syphilis - this shows a primary chancre of the penis, situated under this man's foreskin
Photo of early syphilis - this shows a primary chancre of the penis, situated under this man's foreskin

Image showing primary syphilis - two superficial chancres on the shaft of this man's penis
Image showing primary syphilis - two superficial chancres on the shaft of this man's penis

This photograph shows an ulcer on the coronal / under the foreskin from early infection with syphilis - it is highly infections at the stage.
This photograph shows an ulcer on the coronal / under the foreskin from early infection with syphilis - it is highly infections at the stage.

Picture of early primary 'kissing' peri anal syphilitic ulcers / chancres - called kissing because they appear directly opposite each other, as if the skin sides are kissing / in direct contact.
Picture of early primary 'kissing' peri anal syphilitic ulcers / chancres - called kissing because they appear directly opposite each other, as if the skin sides are kissing / in direct contact.

This image shows a primary lesion on this gentleman's left tonsil, from early syphilis. Secondary syphilis can also appear in the same way.
This image shows a primary lesion on this gentleman's left tonsil, from early syphilis. Secondary syphilis can also appear in the same way.

This picture shows a man with an early primary syphilitic chancre on his tongue.
This picture shows a man with an early primary syphilitic chancre on his tongue.

Photograph showing a primary syphilitic chancre in an extra-genital area (area outside the genitals). Here, there is a primary chancre on the finger, which could easily be mistaken for another type of sore.
Photograph showing a primary syphilitic chancre in an extra-genital area (area outside the genitals). Here, there is a primary chancre on the finger, which could easily be mistaken for another type of sore. This is highly infectious.

This picture shows perianal condylomata lata, from infection with syphilis - treponema pallidum
This picture shows perianal condylomata lata, from infection with syphilis - treponema pallidum

Picture of a man with papule-pustular syphilitic rash on his forehead.
Picture of a man with papule-pustular syphilitic rash on his forehead.

Image showing early congenital syphilis - condylomata late - this female infant has raised, flat-topped papules, with altered pigmentation. This can develop in babies in areas of moisture and friction, such as the nappy area. Usually in skin-to-skin contact areas, they are typically seen towards the end of the first year of life.
Image showing early congenital syphilis - condylomata late - this female infant has raised, flat-topped papules, with altered pigmentation. This can develop in babies in areas of moisture and friction, such as the nappy area. Usually in skin-to-skin contact areas, they are typically seen towards the end of the first year of life.

Photograph showing late congenital syphilis, resulting in perforation of the palate. This usually results from mucocutaneous gamma and is central, as here.
Photograph showing late congenital syphilis, resulting in perforation of the palate. This usually results from mucocutaneous gamma and is central, as here.

Picture showing late benign syphilis - tertiary syphilis. These extensive mutilations in an Englishwoman were caused by gummatous lesions of late congenital syphilis. This patient suffered, hidden in her house, for many years before final discovery in 1975.
Picture showing late benign syphilis - tertiary syphilis. These extensive mutilations in an Englishwoman were caused by gummatous lesions of late congenital syphilis. This patient suffered, hidden in her house, for many years before final discovery in 1975.

Graphic illustration of a single vision or virus particle, of HSV or herpes simplex virus (herpes)
Graphic illustration of a single vision or virus particle, of HSV or herpes simplex virus (herpes)

Image of HSV - herpes simplex virus - through an electron microscope.
Image of HSV - herpes simplex virus - through an electron microscope.

Image of primary vulval lesions from an initial outbreak of herpes.
Image of primary vulval lesions from an initial outbreak of herpes on the labia minor and surrounding the clitoris.

Photo of herpes on the cervix. Here, the cervix is inflamed with multiple lesions. More common in primary outbreak than recurrent attacks/lesions.
Photo of herpes on the cervix. Here, the cervix is inflamed with multiple lesions. More common in primary outbreak than recurrent attacks/outbreaks.

Picture of cervicitis, indicative, in this case, of a lesion from primary herpes
Picture of cervicitis, indicative, in this case, of a lesion from primary herpes

Herpetic ulcers on the penis - foreskin retracted to show the sores
Herpetic ulcers on the penis - foreskin retracted to show the sores

Picture of primary infection with HSV 2 / genital herpes - due to haematogenous spread, oral sex or auto- inoculation
Picture of primary infection with HSV 2 / genital herpes - due to haematogenous spread, oral sex or auto- inoculation

Genital warts picture - showing vulva and perineum plus anus. The warm moist area of the vulva makes proliferation greater.
Genital warts photo - showing vulva and perineum plus anus. The warm moist area of the vulva makes proliferation greater.

Sexplained® Training - Picture showing warts around the shaft of the penis, under the foreskin area
Sexplained® Training - Photo showing warts around the shaft of the penis, under the foreskin area

Sexplained® Training - Picture Slide showing warts on the goals penis, frenulum, and prepuce (foreskin)
Sexplained® Training - Picture Slide showing warts on the goals penis, frenulum, and prepuce (foreskin)

Sexplained® Training - Picture Slide showing warts on the goals penis, frenulum, and prepuce (foreskin)
Sexplained® Training - Picture Slide showing warts on the goals penis, frenulum, and prepuce (foreskin)

Sexplained® Training - slide relating to HPV ./ perianal genital warts - transmitted either sexually or by auto-inoculation - often cause itching and can extend inside the anal canal
Sexplained® Training - slide relating to HPV ./ perianal genital warts - transmitted either sexually or by auto-inoculation - often cause itching and can extend inside the anal canal

Pictures of Sacroptes Scabiei (scabies) - the itch mite - slide from Sexplained® Training
Pictures of Sacroptes Scabiei (scabies) - the itch mite - slide from Sexplained® Training

Papular lesions caused by scabies on the shaft and glans penis
Picture of papular lesions caused by scabies on the shaft and glans penis

Female crab louse with egg growing inside her. When the egg is laid it will be firmly cemented to the hair shaft, very close to the base of the hair
Picture showing : Female crab louse with egg growing inside her. When the egg is laid it will be firmly cemented to the hair shaft, very close to the base of the hair