Here’s an album containing a series of pictures relating to normal and abnormal cervix.
Pictures / Images / Photographs of Normal and Abnormal Cervix
The following pictures show a range of different cervical conditions.

Wart on cervix - Cervical HPV Infection - ©Dr.K.C.Mohanty
Wart on cervix - Cervical HPV Infection, and increased vaginal discharge - ©Dr.K.C.Mohanty

Trichomonas Vaginalis, or TV: This slide shows a copious vaginal discharge, which is likely to have an offensive fishy type of smell, and there are also markings on the cervix that make it appear somewhat like a 'strawberry'. This is the classic appearance although many women have TV without any signs or symptoms to alert them of its presence.

This cervix shows an abnormal appearance on colposcopic examination and staining with iodine, suggestive of cervical cancer.
Only laboratory analysis can confirm this and the grade of abnormality.
In the future, it is hoped that the incidence of this will be reduced, as more young women are given the opportunity to have the HPV vaccine/immunisation before they become sexually active.

This cervix shows an abnormal appearance on colposcopic examination and staining with iodine, suggestive of cervical cancer.
Only laboratory analysis can confirm this and the grade of abnormality.
In the future, it is hoped that the incidence of this will be reduced, as more young women are given the opportunity to have the HPV vaccine/immunisation before they become sexually active.

When this cervix was examined using a colposcope (magnifying binoculars), it was found to be abnormal, and the surface was rather friable, described here as a cervical erosion or ectropian. The woman would be advised to have treatment, possibly in the form of laser therapy, cryotherapy or depending on the laboratory analysis, another, more invasive treatment.

This cervix was not found to be abnormal on laboratory analysis, although the woman has what would be described as a cervical erosion or cervical ectopy. She may be offered laser treatment but may be advised to 'watch and wait'. Cervical changes like this are extremely common, especially in young women, using methods of combined hormonal contraception.

Here, the woman's cervix bled when touched to take a sample. She should be, automatically, screened to rule out Chlamydia and gonorrhoea as an underlying cause of this type of bleeding. If negative, and if it continues, she may be referred to a specialist gynaecologist for closer examination using a colposcope (magnifying binoculars).