Sexplained Two – For Changing Times Sex Within the Context of a Loving Relationship
“Sex Within the Context of a Loving Relationship – Life is not a Porn Film”

There’s a big difference between having sex and making love.
Just having sex in various ways is all that porn films portray.
They don’t explain anything about the enjoyable feelings that are involved in a loving, caring sexual relationship – or that it’s important to learn about healthy and unhealthy relationships, respect and care for someone else as you mature.
A loving, faithful relationship is built on trust, mutual respect, true friendship and the maturity to work through the tough as well as the good times together. As the bond between two individuals deepens, a natural consequence is often the desire to start a family and create a secure family unit that will lead to emotional fulfillment.
However, this may take many years to achieve and no one person’s journey will be the same. The early years of discovering what you want from a permanent relationship can be exciting, confusing and not without problems. Sometimes what one person wants doesn’t match the desires of a partner.
“Sexplained Two — For Changing Times” confronts the many issues that need to be addressed in relation to sex and physical relationships. The book is packed with information applicable to everyone – regardless of age, race, sexual orientation or disability. Issues are addressed and explained head on without embarrassment, ‘telling it like it is’ from the practical viewpoint.
• Young people will easily relate to the real questions and real problems from real people from all walks of life – and at every level
• Parents will find everything they need to teach their children the basics on reaching puberty and then help their children understand the complexities of sexual maturity
• Those working in sexual health education will find a wealth of information backed up by facts, figures, and illustrations in one handy teaching resource
A Little Knowledge …
Almost everyone has a little knowledge – and a great deal of curiosity – about sex. Helen believes that a little knowledge can be dangerous and, the more young people know about the many other issues that affect physical relationships, the better able they will be to prevent such problems as unplanned pregnancy and sexually acquired infection.
Her book is non-judgmental and packed with facts that will enable young readers to evaluate for themselves the risks and pleasures of sex so that they can make an informed choice related to their own sexual activity and develop their sense of responsibility towards each other as well as themselves – without feeling exploited or exploiting others. Much of the information, facts, and figures will shock. Helen makes no apologies.
The Law & Sex – The Law & Sexting
‘Changing Times’ means knowing where you stand with the Law and sex. The Law & Sex is a major section of “Sexplained Two” which is a thought-provoking guide based on the Sexual Offences Act 2003. It aims to raise awareness of some of the less obvious but important legal issues in the UK, many of which also apply in other countries. Young people should understand how the Law differentiates between consent and lack of consent. Other important issues tackled include grooming, trafficking, forced and arranged marriage, sexting, online grooming, cyberbullying, stalking, domestic and honour-based violence.
Social Media
The way we communicate with each other has changed dramatically over the last few years. In real life, when we see and speak to people, we pick up on the many ‘non-verbal clues’ (body language) they give off – e.g. their facial expression, the tone of voice, appearance, etc. When it comes to meeting new people, we make up our mind about them within seconds. But, online, unless using a webcam, we can’t do this; nor can we pick up on other small clues, which puts us at a disadvantage.
Many young people have a computer in their bedroom. They lock themselves away in a virtual world for hours. Communicating via Social Media takes over their day-to-day life. Many are safe, but some are not, and it is important to understand the Dos and Don’ts and learn how to stay safe online.
FGM – Female Genital Mutilation
UNICEF estimates that FGM/C affects over 130 million girls and women worldwide. Although the practice is starting to decline in some regions, an additional 30 million more girls and young women will be affected within the next 10 years.
This equates to:
• 57,000 per week
• 8,250 per day
• 344 per hour
• 6 per minute
• 1 girl mutilated every 10 seconds
It’s important to have FGM/C in the school curriculum because nowadays, more children (and parents) from different cultures mix in school, and some will be vulnerable.
• We have a ‘duty of care’ towards each other, not just to our friends or family
• Educating the next generation about FGM/C is the best way to influence change
• Once FGM/C is better understood, children can help to protect each
• Educating the next generation about FGM/C is the best way to influence change
• Once FGM/C is better understood, children can help to protect each other; and increased disapproval of the practice can help to influence change
• Greater understanding of what it involves can also help to support those who have been made to go through it.
People meet, fall in love and live happily ever after in the movies. In the real world, real people experience many changes and face many choices.
Making the right choice is so much easier when you have the correct, up to date, and relevant information.
Therefore, Helen’s qualified advice about the rewards and risks of sex and relationships should become essential reading for everyone.

Sample Interactive Pages – “Sexplained Two – For Changing Times”