My lab test for STDs came back and while I primarily took it to test for HIV/AIDS, it also had results for the following: CT (Chlamydia), NG (Gonorrhea), Trich vag by NAA, TP Abs and MIC Organism #1.
Can you tell me exactly what these codes mean? Thanks. – M
Dear M
The results are generally written in code because healthcare professionals use shortcodes for loads of things that they write often, but which would take up too much unnecessary time to write often – as you will see in a moment.
Having said that, there are generally short forms that are recognised in one field of medicine which might mean something different in another. Hospitals or departments commonly have a list of acceptable short forms, rather than everyone making up their own codes. If they did that, then goodness knows what sort of confusion could ensue!
To answer your question:
CT = Chlamydia trachomatis
NG = Neisseria Gonorrhoea
Trich vag by NAA = I read as meaning: Trichomonas vaginalis diagnosed by nucleic acid amplification – the type of DNA test that is used – often NAAT (test on the end)
TP Abs = I read as a test for Treponema Pallidum (syphilis) antibodies although it is commonly written as FTA-ABS, which stands for fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test
MIC organism = I read that as microscopic observation for identifiable organisms – commonly looking for gonorrhoea, thrush (yeast infection) and BV (bacterial vaginosis) – the last two caused by an imbalance of the normal vaginal conditions, with gonorrhoea a sexually transmitted infection which urgently needs treatment and is becoming more difficult to treat successfully. And, if gonorrhoea is found, additional tests are required before treatment, to check that the treatment given will actually work against that particular strain (variety) of gonorrhoea.
What the No1 symbol means, I don’t know – we don’t write things in this way in the UK and this may relate to the other information that is on the lab form and result form.
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Gonorrhoea/Gonorrhea Pictures-Images-Photos-Male / Female Gc Pix (
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