The History of the Sexplained® Cyber Clinics
Way back in 2001, Helen J Knox, MD of Sexplained Ltd, (and owner of this site) was ‘The Virgin Sexpert’ holding a moderated chat room clinic for Sir Richard Branson’s internet company, Virgin Net.
She did this each Monday evening for an hour, live online, fielding questions from around the world. employed a young man to moderate the chat room and Helen answered people’s questions as quickly as possible. When it was a hectic night, she was extremely glad that she could touch type, very quickly!
Then, Virgin Net decided to discontinue the facility.
So, never one to give up lightly, Helen mentioned this to a friend and he set up a newsgroup system for her, and hosted the Sexplained Cyber Clinic on his server.
We were back up and running. Questions poured in and people helped by answering each other’s questions from personal experience or from a professional perspective. And, thanks to the help of a GP from Sheffield and a GU Nurse Specialist in HM Forces, we helped many people with a wide range of advice and guidance.
Over time, Helen decided to change the format a little and also set up the Sexplained Global Cyber Clinic, which counted the popularity of different topics. That, was fascinating!
Between these two sites, we have a bank of over 15,000 questions and answers to work with whilst resurrecting this website, although we cannot really resurrect the format.
Then, as if that didn’t keep her busy enough, Helen set up the original, which, at its peak attracted over 4,000 visitors a day, and was “bursting bandwidth” – not something Helen knew anything about back then, but learned pretty quickly! It was redesigned professionally, and lost traffic drastically… then, back in 2004, some nasty little ‘bright spark’ decided to hack the server and delete everything!
The Cyber Clinics and have been offline since then – until now.
That was all a long time ago and any newsgroup, chat room or interactive facility on a website is still ‘top heavy’ in moderation time because however many times you ask people to be respectful of each other, there are always some other “bright sparks” who think it’s clever, and fun to be rudely abusive towards others and they need to be controlled – and at times, reported to internet authorities for what they post.
This new look will gradually ‘regrow’ the interactivity of years gone by…