You love the gym and you get excited about kinky sex,
but are they good for each other?
Are they good for you?
Whether you are a fitness fanatic or an absolute beginner, exercise could have an impact on your sex life.
There are many reasons a physically fit man can have better sex and there are certain factors that will make you better in bed.
The main one is keeping fit.
Strength, endurance, and flexibility will all make you a better lover when compared with someone who doesn’t look after their body.
So, let’s discover how exercise may, or may not, improve your sex life.
Starting a regular training routine and working out is great for the mind and body. The buzz and extra focus that come after training is unbeatable. Never more than when it comes to being productive and being at your best. Senses are heightened and energy is at its peak.
Now, take that extra energy into the bedroom, and you are set for amazing sex.
Here is why you might want to consider an exercise program.
If you have more muscle tone and strength you could be perceived as a more confident lover.
Having the strength to lift your partner up to have sex against the wall.
Being dominant in the bedroom or holding that awkward karma sutra position, rather than worrying too much about falling over and ruining the moment.
These can all make a big difference to arousal and sexual energy.
Some lovers prefer soft and gentle romance, without the need for energetic sex. Others want dirty talk, hair pulling, and spanking. So it comes down to which is the most satisfying for your partner and for you.
Either way, good solid core strength is a must for good sex.
Did you know the human body works over 656 muscles during sex?
It stands to reason that if you have an active lifestyle and visit your local gym/fitness centre regularly, you have a much greater chance of meeting someone who is also into health and fitness. If you are single, that common interest is a great place to start before heating things up in the bedroom.
It can also make you feel 10 times more confident. So why not take a look around for your best local gym. You have nothing to lose, but lots to gain!
But wait just a minute!
Exercise alone will not magically fix your sex life. It will, however, improve the quality of it and, in turn, this should make it more exciting.
So when is the best time to get fit you ask?
As we all know, January is the time when we are encouraged to look after our health and fitness.
Procrastination is the mother of all failures.
But the best time to get fit is… Right Now.
The sooner you get started, the sooner you will feel great again.
You can do this by starting a new fitness regime or joining a class such as:
a 12-week body transformation program;
body balance training;
body attack training;
a pilates course; or
any of the various nutrition courses.
“Working out” is an essential part of healthy living, and can help prevent a wide range of health issues.
Some of the obvious benefits include:
reducing heart disease by lowering cholesterol;
reducing the risk of heart attack or stroke (CVA – cerebrovascular accident) by reducing blood pressure as well as cholesterol;
improving circulation, which can raise testosterone levels, increase libido and help with erectile dysfunction;
and of course, exercise can also help with a range of sleep disorders.
With that said, here are 8 additional reasons for men to have more sex.
ONE: It could slow down the aging process. Dr. Sharma, writing for The Huffington Post, also suggests that you can look younger for longer. (2)
TWO: It improves sleep and is a great stress buster. We all know that feeling straight after sex. Pure bliss and satisfaction. You’ve just reached your peak and feel 100% satisfied. You both crash on the bed with that look in your eyes and drift off to a rested sleep. We’re all trying to get more of it – sex – and now it turns out it could be the answer to better sleep. Yes, according to an expert in the field of cardiology, getting busy between the sheets could help you sleep better. Experts also looked into the way we recover and told news sites that in over 60% of people studied, “sleep was improved after an orgasm” (3)
THREE: It’s great for the heart and could prevent an attack. According to the American Heart Association, sex is great cardiovascular exercise, which as we know is vital to your health and well-being. (4)
FOUR: People who have sex once or twice a week boost their immune system, due to an increase in immunoglobulin A (an important antibody). And as covered in a BBC article, studies have shown this could help to keep colds and flu at bay. (5)
FIVE: Sex can make you smarter, according to Rachel Hosie of The Independent newspaper, in the UK. (6)
SIX: Sex reduces depression, due to the release of many mood-elevating chemicals, like endorphins, oxytocin, and serotonin. (7)
SEVEN: Sex boosts self-esteem. It gives you a sense of attractiveness and desirability and these feelings of well-being carry on into all other areas of life. (8)
EIGHT: Sex helps to build a stronger relationship. Cuddling and kissing after sex help you create a stronger bond towards each-other when huge amounts of oxytocin (the love hormone) are released during sex and orgasm. (9)
Your Superman Physique
If you have a good physique you are more likely feel confident about yourself. Even better when your girlfriend or wife talks about attractive aspects of a man, that extra confidence is key to how satisfying your sex life makes you feel.
Body Language
Your body language will also give off an air of assuredness – guaranteed to make you more attractive to women.
If you have the ability to attract a woman, this has the compound effect of attracting other women. So it is “win-win” until you find a suitable partner.
Now! Let’s talk about obesity
Obesity can seriously ruin your bedroom antics.
The first and most obvious downside of obesity and sex include that:
if you have too much belly fat it is difficult to achieve penetration;
it can also limit the number of sexual positions that you can enjoy;
excess body fat can lead to an increase in estrogen (the dominant female hormone);
male testosterone levels and libido naturally reduce with age. Low testosterone and elevated estrogen levels can impact on libido and erectile function. And, according to The (US) National Library of Medicine, strength training can keep your testosterone levels higher. In turn, this can provide a much-needed boost to help you to be fit enough to enjoy more nights of passion. This is an important boost for unfit men, who have decreased libido because of reduced testosterone levels. But, for all men, there’s good news because regular exercise has all sorts of great benefits that may not have been of primary concern when deciding to get fit for the future. ((Tip: Check with your doctor first, before embarking on an exercise regimen, if you are unfit, with any medical problems. You may need to improve your exercise regimen slowly.)) (10)
And, above all else, looking and feeling healthy boosts your self-esteem and being physically fit can make you look more attractive. A good start to changing this may be to do some light cardiovascular exercise and build up from there.
You can download your FREE gym program HERE
The less fat you have down there, the less estrogen you produce, which results in a bigger, harder penis. That alone is surely worth those extra hours in the gym!
So what are the differenttypes of fitness regimens?
They are:
Cardiovascular Fitness
Strength Training
Endurance Training
Explosive Power
Functional Fitness
HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) (for fat loss)
CrossFit Training
These are all great ways to improve your total health and fitness.
According to the introductions website,, which surveyed 5,000 single people in America, 45% of those who trained twice a week have sex at least once a month and were more active between the sheets. And 55% of those who were single went on to have regular dates. Dr. Helen Fisher, Chief Scientific Advisor for, says that “there is a reason physically active people are more sexually active, compared with people who don’t work out on a regular basis”. (11)
So where doeshealthy eating fit in?
Combining healthy eating and good sleep is vital for good health, and therefore greater sexual pleasure. And, it’s no surprise that orgasms rely on the use of many muscles in the body, so the more developed they are, the better the orgasm!
The most important factor for exercise and fat loss is nutrition.
You can find your FREE nutrition plan HERE, plus a wealth of fitness and nutrition support and guidance.
Keeping fit and healthy can drastically improve your sex life, even if you are already in good physical health or if you’re an absolute beginner.
The fitter you are – the longer you can last – and the more enjoyment you can get.
There are many additional benefits to keeping fit and healthy, as well as being able to enjoy sex more.
If you would like to have better sex, feel stronger and be more energized, then living a healthy lifestyle will not only improve your quality of life, it will also help you to live longer, too.
By Francis Williams
p style=”text-align: center;”>The Body Fit Gym Buddy